Thursday, August 20, 2009

RC Freak Episode 23: Saturday and the end of IRCHA

Here it is, the end of IRCHA for the RC Freak Podcast for another year. Once again, I extend my thanks to the companies who let me interview them. And now, go ahead and listen to the show. We're on twitter now as well.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RC Freak Episode 22: A Friday at IRCHA

My interviews from Friday at IRCHA. Also, my Saturday interviews should be on the way soon along with my night flight commentary. Please e-mail me your comments or suggestions at

Sunday, August 16, 2009

RC Freak IRCHA 2009 Spartan Seminar

The last of the seminars I recorded was from a Q&A session with Angelos of Spartan R/C. Please enjoy.

RC Freak IRCHA 2009 Mikado Seminar

The Mikado V-bar seminar from Friday at IRCHA 2009. Spartan seminar to follow.

RC Freak IRCHA 2009 Hyperion Seminar

The Hyperion batteries seminar from Friday at IRCHA 2009. Keep an eye out for Mikado and Spartan seminars to follow.